Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Science Is In, The Debate Is Over!

3000 scientists signed the IPCC saying anthropogenic global warming is occurring. So far, over 31,000 scientists have signed the "Oregon Petition" which states:

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

Hmmm, more than a 10 to 1 ratio... I think the consensus is in!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The End of Days?

Could anything make this buffoon look like a reasonable choice for Minnesotans to send to the U.S. Senate? I'd typically say no.

Al Franken is not funny, not even when he's trying . He's been known to physically assault people who express views that he can't comprehend. If Al thinks someone has a view he doesn't understand, but is trying to be polite by holding comment... well, Al has been known to verbally assail people like this too.

Typically, we'd think of people like this as classless boobs. However, in this modern day of You Tube, Al has a "get out of jail free" card. That's right, he's famous.

Famous people can do & say the most hideous things, even things that would land the typical citizen in jail, & get off scott-free. Up to about 100 years ago, the profession of actor was viewed as slightly higher than that of prostitute. Apparently, people were a bit more sensible back then.

Back to my original statement. Perhaps the spectacle of this guy running could make Al Franken seem like a down right reasonable choice?

Yep, Jesse "The Mind" Ventura is threatening Minnesota once again.

Wednesday the 21st, on Larry King, the former Minnesota embarrassment (er, I mean, governor) made a statement that technically stopped short of saying "I'm running" but said "I'm running." Talking about bad actors cashing in on fame.

I was trying to enjoy my dinner at the time, but now I have an idea of what acid reflux must be like.

From the transcript:
KING: What's that going to be like, assuming it's Franken -- Franken versus Coleman?

VENTURA: Well, I think the better question to ask is what will it be like if Ventura comes in in July, because that's when the filing date is.

KING: Are you saying you might still?

VENTURA: Oh, yes. Absolutely. I'm weighing it right now.
The wost part of it is, he knows if he buys enough SCSU students beer on November 3rd, they'll vote for him on November 4th! One could argue that this is how he barely squeeked into the governors seat.

Thank God, there is another choice. One that makes much more sense. He's not the most conservative, in fact, he was a Democrat up until 1996. He has however, in one six year term become a true leader of whom all Minnesotans should be proud.

Shortly after arriving in Washington, he began blowing the lid off of the UN's Oil for Food scandal. Despite sanctions that were supposedly keeping Saddam Hussein "contained", he was using this program to pay off many greedy world leaders. Norm found that this corruption had tentacles all the way to the very top of the UN leadership, Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Shortly afterwards, Annan announced his retirement.