First the modern day story, which I do not think is a big deal in itself. Apparently, Obama held a campaign function in Illinois, with the theme "Change Rocks." Unfortunately that phrase is patented by a New York teen who markets a line of jewelry. This teen, probably looking for his 15 minutes promised to him by Andy Warhol, called out his lawyers. The Obama campaign basically said- hey...relax, we made no money off the phrase, so this well is dry, but if you want to work for can.
Big deal, eh? Considering that the people who run campaigns are not stupid, I have to believe that someone working for Obama could have strung two simple words together on their own. I kind of doubt that anyone needed to maliciously & intentionally steal this bit of intellectual property. Teenagers these days!
But that story reminded me of THIS STORY. This one was on the front page, below the fold, of the New York Times June 9, 2000. The fact that this opinion piece passed as front page "news" on the so called Nation's Paper is irritating enough, But there is something else.
The writer essentially comes to the conclusion that Gore will be a better president than Bush, because he cared so much about the details. The writer's case-in-point was the absolute dedication Gore had to getting something as simple as his logo just perfect.
From the article:
"The vice president just was not satisfied. A team of graphic artists had labored to come up with a logo to emblazon on Al Gore's campaign buttons, bumper stickers and placards, but he felt they had failed to capture the right spirit. So he sketched an alternative, a swoosh and a star -- a simple, futuristic look with the words, 'Gore 2000.'"
Well, that was the Al Gore Myth we were being sold in 2000. In fact we still are being sold this line about Al Gore. "Oh, he's a genius, he really has a mind for details," This is the sound of the tune made by the DNC's maestro manipulators; the vibrations that the strings on the democrat violin make as they are being played... for fools.
This is the logo that the writer witnessed Gore creating:

I do like the logo. But shortly after I read this article, I came across something very interesting... An Ameritech logo:

Does look similar. The one I actually saw had the same blue background & the same white font as the Gore logo. My cynical side says, Gore saw this on a pay phone, & decided to steal it. It's not that simple.
Ameritech was a Chicago based telecommunications company. This "brilliant man of details " surely recognized the monetary donations Ameritech had made to the 1996 Democratic National Convention. Which was held in Chicago, where He & Bill were nominated for a second term run.

So, anyone think the same manipulation machine is not working today? Whether they are telling you that Hillary is a "world class genius," or even that Al Gore currently has any idea of what he is blabbing about, you are being played.
How could anyone in the Democrat Party possibly know if change rocks?
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