This blog was named by Hillary Clinton. You may be saying, "NO! You mean the sexist protester at the Clinton rally in New Hampshire named this blog," Nope, it was Hillary, or at least someone in her campaign, who named this blog.
Does anyone out there think that that event was not staged? If you honestly do, I have some carbon credits I'd like to sell you. $100 a piece, & I promise I won't mow my lawn for one week per credit purchased.

Did anyone notice the change in tone she took after her defeat in Iowa? Her shrill grating tone gone. In it's place, a soft, gentile, feminine, almost grandmotherly voice emerged. And then...she almost crys!!! Almost as if on script.
Dear readers, Hillary Clinton is a manufactured fraud. Obama got Oprah's endorsement & creamed Hillary in Iowa. Obama took the majority of Democrat women in Iowa, but according to Clinton's script, they were supposed to fall in like sheep behind Hillary. But they didn't. So what does Hillary do? She put on a plagiarized version of the Oprah Show, & starts to CRY! Then New Hampshire Democrat women fell in line, just like the script said.
Democrats are being played like a stringed instrument. The musician is so smooth, they don't even feel the fingers coaxing them to play the tune.
UPATE: No longer just speculation! This has been uncovered as a planned & coordinated stunt by a Boston radio show called "The Toucher & Rich Show!" Ahh, & the band plays on...
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