Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Only hours after Mitt Romney seals his first victory in Michigan... Oh, what's that? It's how many? Oh, His SECOND victory?!?! Why then, has everyone in the media been telling us for several hours about Romney's "first" victory? Why are the informers telling us that now Romney, McCain & Huckabee each have a victory to their name?

I'm just a newbie blogger, with 4 whole posts to my name*, and I can tell you the score is Romney 2 states/42 delegates, Huckabee 1 state/21 delegates, McCain 1 state/19 delegates. What's more is Romney only got 12 delegates from Michigan... Umm, in other words, he's been the winning candidate since January 5, when he won his real first state, Wyoming. It's not how many states a candidate wins, it's the total number of delegates of 1,191 or more that seals his nomination.

McCain's concession speech chalks up his defeat to Romney's hard work in making sure Michigan voted for her "native son". With all due respect for what sacrifices McCain has made for this country, but what a sore looser! Hey, John, even if you had won Michigan, you would have had to get ALL 12 of Romney's delegates to claim that you were the leading Republican in this race. Even then, the total delegate score would have been McCain 31, Romney 30, Huckabee 21. Your not exactly beating anyone like a drum.

*I would have more posts, but I'm getting over an ear infection. I forgot how excruciating those can be. My apologies to my reader! ;-)

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